söndag 18 april 2010

Behöver du/ni hjälp med barnpassning, städning o dyl?

Som jag berättat är arbetslösheten extremt hög här. Elisabeth som är generalsekreterare på stiftelsen Livslust har kontaktat mig ang. en tjej som letar sommarjobb, en eller ett par veckor i Sverige. Hon är dotter till skolans rektor, personligen har jag inte träffat henne men nedan kan ni se hennes egen beskrivning. Hon kan tänka sig hjälpa till med diverse göromål i hushållet så som städning, strykning, fönsterputsning och barnpassning. Är ni intresserade så hör av er till mig.

I am 22 years old. I have a younger sister, she is 7. Sometimes I have been together with her alone for one week without our parents. I am like her second mother, I have changed her pampers and done all other stuff. I live alone in Riga now, but I am very close to my family and one time per week I go to see them. In my free time I meet my friends or do some activities like running or cycling. My father works in social center for youngsters. When I was younger I loved go together with him and live there too, so I learned to comunicate with youngsters who have family problems. For one summer I worked there too and lived there alone. It was very good experience for me. In this summer I will graduate University of Latvia faculty of medicine and I will have degree of pharmaceutist. In these studies I learned to give first aid and I have very good knowledges in drugs. For 2 years I have worked in drugstore, so I am very punctual and accurate girl. Since 2006th I have a B category driving license and I love to drive. Like a person I am very outgoing and helpful, this this was why I chose pharmacy studies. I am tidy, decisive and smiling girl. I think this could be very good opportunity to go and work to Sweden for a summer. I love to do some creative work with children and I like to cook.

All the best, Sabine.

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